
0.699[D1] released 20. Jan. 2011

  • Fixed: Directory browse (thx dakotafrost and thomasxx for report).

0.699[D] released 16. Jan. 2011

  • Added: Enabled Data Execution Prevention for 32bit version when system support that.
  • Added: Protectiong against current directory Windows DLL injection.
  • Changed: +/- images in search results grouping use system native icons when Windows support that.
  • Changed: List header arrows from custom ones to Windows native.
  • Changed: Default directories for config, downloads and logs.
  • Changed: Multiple instances, now available only when new instance have CzDC.xml in his directory.
  • Fixed: Receiving protocol commands encoded in utf-8.
  • Fixed: Many compiler warnings, many unitialized class members. Wrong data types (bool insted of BOOL) in some functions.
  • Fixed: Wrong position and orientation of menus in some cases.
  • Fixed: Buttons in adl search frame are enabled when they should not be.
  • Fixed: Menu in adl search frame and favorite frame was created when no item was selected.
  • Fixed: Wrong icon under windows 7 for folders when system icons are enabled.
  • Fixed: Missing user IPs when hub is sending UserIP before userlist.
  • Fixed: Memory leak in some cases on file hash checking after download is finished.
  • Fixed: Memory leak in hubframe on chat line sending.
  • Fixed: Mouse click position was incorrectly handled in some cases.
  • Fixed: Move down in favorite hubs (thx [CZ]Titanium for report).
  • Fixed: Enable/disable UPnP now correctly open/close ports on change.
  • Rewritten: Splitters. Less code, better meets needs of CzDC gui.
  • Rewritten: Search results grouping by hash. Lower cpu usage, better sorting.
  • Rewritten: Search frame.
    • Important search option are on top bar, less important search options in left sidebar (can auto hide on search).
    • Better working tab/shift+tab.
    • Lower cpu usage on search result adding to list.
    • Better items resize on windows size change.
    • Better window look when grouping search results is disabled.
    • Better menu click handling on grouped collapsed search result -> working like all items of that group are selected.
  • Other: Minor changes, fixes and cleanup in gui code.
  • Updated: Bzip2 to 1.0.6.
  • Updated: Zlib to 1.2.5.

0.699[C] released 24. Dec. 2009

  • Added: Mising country flags.
  • Fixed: Bug with downloading file instead of tthl resulting in tthl not matching tth root in some cases.
  • Fixed: Bug in login when hub sending first hello with wrong nick.
  • Fixed: Share formating when user have share lower than zero.
  • Fixed: Missing nick check on received private message (thx CrazyGuy for report).
  • Fixed: Missing last char in filtering userlist (thx Titanium for report).
  • Fixed: Updating in favorite users frame when user goes on/off.
  • Fixed: All 64bit compile problems.
  • Fixed: Chat and private messages received encoded in utf-8 are not shown broken anymore.
  • Fixed: Missing IP check on received ConnectToMe command.
  • Fixed: Font type and font colors in lists.
  • Fixed: Not working special keys/buttons (ie special keys on multimedia keyboard) when CzDC running.
  • Fixed: Wrong width of new windows (private window, filelist window) created when CzDC was minimized.
  • Fixed: URL handlers registration on Vista and higher when UAC is enabled.
  • Fixed: Mising main menu after windows theme change.
  • Fixed: Wrong MDI child window size when child window is maximized and Aero enabled.
  • Fixed: Buggy prev/next for mdi child windows.
  • Fixed: Buggy saving of search settings in search window.
  • Fixed: Possible remote crash on data from hub (exploit from DC++).
  • Rewritten: IP-to-Country database loading.
  • Rewritten: Users ignoring. Now ignored users are saved. Favorite users frame was changed to favorite/ignored users.
  • Rewritten: Main menu, changed from XP like look to native windows look. Windows theme is used on vista and higher.
  • Rewritten: Chevron for toolbar.
  • Rewritten: Log generating on crash.
  • Changed: Ignore now working on OPerators to allow ignoring spamming hub bots.
  • Changed: IP column in userlist to Country column, when is IP know then it show country + ip for ops and country for non-ops.
  • Changed: Splash screen.
  • Updated: Country flag images.
  • Updated: bzip2 to 1.0.5.

0.699[B] updated 29. Feb. 2008

  • Added: Missing dc protocol escapes.
  • Added: Option to filter kick messages when you are not OP.
  • Added: Support for ip menu to usercommands (context 16).
  • Fixed: Crash on menu under Windows Vista + maybe fixed shell menu.
  • Fixed: Share loading on startup when virtual directories are used.
  • Fixed: Few small memory leaks, few small bugs.
  • Updated: bzip2, stlport, wtl, project converted to VS2K8.

0.699[B] released 6. May. 2007

  • Added: Disconnect for connections freezed on connected.
  • Added: to default hublist addresses.
  • Fixed: Bug causing not working filelist upload.
  • Fixed: Bug in share checking for duplicates causing not sharing of different files.
  • Fixed: Bug in share loading on startup causing low sharesize.
  • Fixed: Bug in upload resuming when downloading client using $Get command.
  • Fixed: Few bugs in emoticons code.
    From DC++ SVN
  • Removed notepad loading compatibility code for notepad texts from versions < 0.20
  • Fixed time issues with DC++ running for more than 49 days
  • [bug 1104] Better error message on dupe source (thanks ullner)
  • [bug 1139] Fixed download delay in some cases (thanks mikael eman)
  • [bug 1144] Added possibility to add many hub lists in one go (use ; as separator) (thanks poy)
  • [bug 1152] Only refresh if there are directories shared (thanks ullner)
  • [bug 1153] More shell menus (thanks poy)
  • [bug 1159] Removed unnecessary resume position reset (thanks cologic)

0.699[A] updated 27. DEC. 2006

  • Added: to default public hub list addresses (request by NeiSep).
  • Fixed: Bug in queue causing causing bad file request (thx CrazyGuy for using more clients causing this problem).
  • Fixed: Bug in Send Direct Connect command (againt thx CrazyGuy for using more clients...).
  • Fixed: Crash on tab nick autocompletion when userlist is disabled (thx bastya_elvtars for report).

0.699[A] released 21. DEC. 2006

  • Added: Option to disable icons on tabs (request by Cęńoßy†ę).
  • Added: Option to change max text length on tabs (request by Cęńoßy†ę).
  • Fixed: Few bugs related to userlist.
  • Fixed: OP color in chat when userlist is disabled.
  • Fixed: Double click in chat on nick when userlist is disabled.
  • Fixed: Right click in chat on nick when userlist is disabled.
  • Fixed: Chat commands using nicks when userlist is disabled.
  • Fixed: Userlist disabling now free memory used by userlist + cpu and memory usage is lower.
  • Fixed: Bug in share changing causing fake share size (thx shufty and the_pest for report).
  • Fixed: Not working changing of hublists in public hubs frame.
  • Updated: Default hublists addresses.
    From DC++ 0.699
  • Added: Better nick tab completion (thanks cologic).
  • Added: Option to sort fav users above other users in hub frame (thanks poy).
  • Added: Option to show shell context menu in finished frame (thanks poy).
  • Fixed: Potential crash when search began with space.
  • Fixed: TTH tree being redownloaded (thanks stephan hohe).
  • Fixed: Subfolders being created on filelist downloads (thanks mikael eman).
  • Changed: Automatic hub reconnection is only done if at least one successful connection has been made.
  • Changed: Public hub lists are cached and downloaded only when user requests it (thanks poy).
  • Removed: Some typecasts (thanks stephan hohe).

0.666[Q] updated 23. OCT. 2006

  • Fixed: Crash on match queue when queue contains file(s) without TTH (thx acidlove for report).
  • Fixed: Wrong filesize checking on match queue.
  • Fixed: Selected users in userlist counting (thx Jafra for report).

0.666[Q] released 23. OCT. 2006

  • Added: Missing open log to recent hubs frame.
  • Added: Copy filename and tth root to queue frame.
  • Added: Download with priority to search frame.
  • Added: Splitter position saving for queue and waiting users frames.
  • Added: Option to show users IP in chat.
  • Added: Option for virus check after download is finished.
  • Fixed: Search results counting.
  • Fixed: File preview.
  • Fixed: System log close from tab menu.
  • Fixed: User show as online in queue when goes to offline and queue frame is opened.
  • Fixed: Problem with downloading filelist from DC++ 0.401 version.
  • Fixed: Copy IP in transfers.
  • Fixed: Bad icon in search frame when user goes to offline.
  • Fixed: Missing OP menu commands in search frame when more users from more hubs is selected.
  • Fixed: Menu in transfers when more transfers is selected.
  • Fixed: Missing OP menu commands in filelist.
  • Fixed: Freezing caused by dead-lock in debug frame.
  • Fixed: High cpu usage on selecting more users in userlist.
  • Fixed: Text coloring in private messages.
  • Fixed: Bug in uploading files with $ in name/path.
  • Fixed: Bug in virtual directories.
  • Fixed: "Don't download files already in queue" function (thx Petrjr for report).
  • Fixed: Freezing on read all and remove all sources in queue.
  • Fixed: 2 bugs in queue readd menu.
  • Fixed: Auto-search limit settings.
  • Fixed: PM log lines count loading.
  • Fixed: Few bugs in color chat.
  • Changed: Code for preview in queue to save memory.
  • Improved: Infotips in userlist.
  • Removed: Block to share filles with $ in name/path, now is no more problem to upload them.


* Fixed log opening for finished uploads/downloads.
* Added missing icon on tab to system log.
* Added open log to tab menu for system log.
* Fixed small bug in client-client connection.
* Update to DC++ 0.69.


CZDC - Softpedia "100% CLEAN" Award (Click here for more information) * Added menu for seach (DC/Google/Yahoo/IMDb/CSFD/Wikipedia) on selected text in chat and pm.
* Fixed few bugs in hub and client commands processing, improved UserIP v2 support.
* Chenged most of icons (thx Sechmet for icons).
* Update to DC++ 0.689.

Important: This version not accept favorite users and sources for queued files from versions based on pre 0.68 DC++ versions


* Fixed more than 20 bugs in client->client commands processing.
* Changes in search (StrongDC++) and small speedup.
* Fixes and optimizations in chat processing.
* Fixed more than 30 bugs in hub commands processing.
* Removed dependency on psapi.dll -> Maybe it now run on old Windows (StrongDC++).


* Updated zlib to 1.2.3 (fixed potential security vulnerability).
* Updated bzip2 to 1.0.3.
* Some emulation fixes in client->hub connection.
* Fixed bug in UserIP2 support.
* Few fixes from StrongDC++.
Patches from Titanium (big thx):
* Added download slots for filelists.
* Added settings for max auto search hits auto match.
* Added setting to auto search only when away.
* Added favorite user color to search frame.
* Fixed few bugs...


* Fixed "authors of messages" nick coloring if bold is not enabled (thx NightLitch for report).
* Fixed numbers sorting in userlist (thx nexus for report).
* Added password for favorite hubs encoded saving (thx wella for patch).
* Fixed case-sensitive nick bug.
* Fixed not working tray pm icon (thx (CZ)JohnQay for report).
* Added optional treelist to search frame (code from StrongDC++).
* Added status icons to queue (thx Jan Valenta for idea and icons).

----------0.666[J] aka 666 kappa----------

* Warning... old versions (from version 0.307) contains security bug, upgrade is recommended.
* More optimized DC commands processing.
* Fixed compatibility with Xhub (thx Mickey for report).
* Replaced GeoIP with IP-to-Country (actual IP-to-Country database included in archive with new version).
* Few bugfixes copy/paste from StrongDC++.
* DC++ 0.674 merge.

----------0.666[I] aka 666 jota----------

* Update to DC++ 0.673

----------0.666[H] aka 666 theta----------

* Fixed bug in emulation (thx Mickey for report).
* Fixed problems with "Bugs-in-a-box" YnHub.
* Added small badwith optimizations for PtokaX.
* Code cleanup, removed some buggy DC++ code.
* Based on DC++ 0.672

----------0.666[G] aka 666 eta----------

* Added automatic download disconnection on change priority to paused (StrongDC++).
* Fixed problems with change tray icon to tray pm icon and back.
* Fixed problems with kick messages (StrongDC++).
* Added search on yahoo, chat command /y searchstring or /yahoo searchstring.
* Fixed problem with download/upload from/to clients using garbage commands.
* Added reason to Readd source menu in queue (StrongDC++).
* Fixed some problems with right click in chat.
* Other small fixes.

----------0.666[F] aka 666 dzeta----------

* Fixed log opening (thx Mickey for report).
* Fixed crash on some command parsing.
* Fixed registered hubs count refresh after login to hub (thx the_pest for report).
* Fixed garbage command compatibility with DC++ 0.670 clients.
* Added better potential fakeshare checking.
* DC++ CVS sync.

----------0.666[E] aka 666 epsilon----------

* Fixed users/items counting in upload queue.
* Fixed double click in userlist with selected send public mess and user with special chars in nick.
* Updated to WTL 7.5.5002
* Code fixing and cleanup... 169 source code files changed, 2 deleted.
* Added userlist coloring (for setting used modified code from StrongDC++).
* Added option to confirm connected hub reconnect (thx Vlasta(CZ) for idea).
* Fixed right click on nick in chat (thx Beberik for report).
* Added option to disable logging of partial upload (for example uploads to segmented downloading clients).
* Fixed sorting in upload queue frame (thx BigMuscle for report).
* Added %[connection] - Connection type (search and user context) (thx Mickey).
* Added %[version] - Client version (user context only) (thx Mickey).
* Added %[hubs] - Hub count of user (search and user context) (thx Mickey).
* Added %[slots] - Slot count of user (search and user context) (thx Mickey).
* Added %[uploadlimit] - If the user has upload limit it gives back the value (user context only) (thx Mickey).
* Added right click on userlist/transferlist/search/queue/uploadqueue colum header for set colums visibility (code from fulDC).
* Added colums size/order/visibility saving for favorite hubs.
* Fixed some problems with auto search and pasive->pasive connection request.
* Based on DC++ 0.670

---UPDATED-------0.666[D] aka 666 delta-------UPDATED---

* Fixed connecting to user with diacritic in nick.
* Added option to strip hub topic (thx Nischi for idea).
* Added back DC++ bug used to detect mods :(

----------0.666[D] aka 666 delta----------

Packed by 7 Zip, have better compression and it is free ;)
* Fixed quick connect hub not added to recents (thx the_pest for report).
* Fixed problem with connecting to hub from recent with enter (thx the_pest for report).
* Added country flags (for all countrys from ISO 3166) to public hubs, transfers and search.
* Added speed icons to search frame (same icons from userlist to user, color speed icons for connection)
* Added alternate upload slots.
* Updated virtual directories. (code for creating xml filelist from fulDC)
* Added recent searches is now saved on app close, with option in settings to clear it.
* Added themes page to setting, for now only for loading emoticon pack and emoticon settings (changing emotion pack don't need restart)
* Fixed text colors in chat change now don't need client restart.
* Fixed all back and text colors now don't need client restart (thx iceman50 for ideas and "ugly" example code)
* Added away mode state is now save on app close.
* Added option to confirm hub close.
* Added combobox to public hubs to select hublist address to download list from.
* Added button to pause/continue search in search frame.
* Added mute sound option to tray menu.
* Added use alternate limiting to tray menu.
* Added userlist filtering to hubframe.
* Added /favoritenick hubframe command, add current nick to this hub if is in favorites.
* Added /favoritepassword hubframe command, add current password to this hub if is in favorites.
* Added favorites hub frame column sorting.
* Added confirm delete for favorites hub and favorite users.
* Added button to setting to clear recent kick messages.
* Fixed few upload queue problems.
* Added waiting time updating to upload queue.
* Added option to who tabs on top instead of bottom.
* Updated zlib to version 1.2.2
* Fixed some problems with menu in upload queue.
* Fixed removing of offline users from upload queue (thx the_pest for report).
* Added icons to toolbar for open download directory and mute sound (thx [CZ]Q:E:E for images).
* Fixed $MyINFO spam on $OpList (thx Raziel-CZ for report).
* Fixed problems with URLs in chat (thx qwerty for report).
* Fixed country flags in transferview if progressbar is disabled (thx [CZ]PopUd for report).
* Fixed opening hub log from favorite hubs on hubs with port (thx the_pest for report).
* Added few things to hub tab menu and queue item menu.
* Changes in hubframe user menu.
* Added close offline pm, all pm, all searchs, all filelists.
* Added /csfd (query) chat command (thx Atom for idea).
* Added changeable double click action for userlist, transferlist and chat.
* Based on DC++ 0.668


Fixed diacritic in _ALL_ usercommands for nmdc hubs.
Added /w for Winamp spam.
* DC++ CVS sync. (fixed most of 0.4033 bugs)


!!! WARNING !!!
!!! Before upgrade to this version, download all files from queue !!!
!!! This version change all settings files without chance to convert it back !!!
TTHL upload is no more shown in finished.
Fixes in upload queue (thx BigMuscle for idea)
Few small "optimizations".
Fixed few memory leaks.
Replaced RichEdits autoURLDetect with my own "better" code.
Fixed case sensitive nick problem (thx iceman50).
* Upgrade to last DC++


* Fixed bug with restoring maximized windows on open pm or filelist on backgroung.
* Rewriten upload queue and upload queue frame. Deleting items now working correctly and wiht DELETE key too ;)
* Removed all search for alternates by filename, now all alternate search is only by TTH.
* Removed alternate search string from queue.
* Added limit 64 chars for email.
* Added natural sorting for strings.
* Changed temp file format, now is filename first and after TTH ROOT, temp file extension is .tdc
* Fixed small bug in QuickList support (op menu on hub without op status).
* Few other small fixes (most from DC++ CVS).


* Added coloring and single click for magnet and dchub url in chat. (idea from StrongDC++ source)
* Added irc and ed2k url support in chat with coloring and single clicking.
* Added waiting time and added time to upload queue (iDC++).
* Fixed flickering in lists (Reverse Connect/StrongDC++ modified code).
* Added to DC++ magnet handling option to add file to queue if magnet known filesize and filename.
* Added hostname column to userlist ... only for OPs.
* Added copy hostname to userlist ... only for OPs.
* Added error coloring to finished downloads on items with bad CRC/TTH check.
* Added filesize checking on auto search results with tth ... some users fake search results (same TTH, another size, name etc.) :(
* Added help with params to timestamp settings.
* Other small fixes.


* Fixed up/down alternate limiter time comboboxs (thx the_pest)
* Added option to check file TTH after download, if file is not corrupted.
* Fixed auto update filelist after hashing done.
* Code cleanup, few small fixes and updates.
* Replaced sfv parameter for download log with filecheck with reporting if crc or TTH is ok after download.
* Fixed automatic publist hubs after startup opening.
* Added open log to favorite users frame.
* Added open log to favorite hubs frame.
* Added to crash dialog option to terminate or continue app (untested).
* DC++ CVS sync.


* Added red and green colors for on/off status in favorite users (thx Ripper for idea)
* Fixed uploading TTHL with upload limiting on (thx BigMuscle for help)
* Fixed minislots for files requested by ADCGET startign with TTHL (thx BigMuscle for help)
* Removed loging of TTHL uploads.
* Added automatic filelist refresh after hashing done.
* Few small fixes.
* DC++ CVS sync.


* Added icons to favorite users.
* Search frame tab go bold on new search results.
* Changed time formating in about.
* Splash screen no more on top (StrongDC++)
* Added option to send garbage commands (to avoid ISP P2P throttling ... untested)
* Small fixes and code cleanup.


* Fixed bug with new supports and transfer limiting.
* Fixed bug with upload logging TTH instead of filename.
* Fixed bug with show TTH in transfers instead of filename.
* Fixed bug with show TTH in upload queue instead of filename.


* DC++ source sync.


* Added remove all offline users to queue (StrongDC++)
* DC++ source sync.


* Fixed crash on "case sensitive" nick sorting, old verlihubs allows nicks like PPK, PpK, pPk in same time on hub :( (thx BigMuscle for idea how to catch it)
* Changed mainframe menus and toolbar to XP look (zDC++ /
* Fixed lost kick messages chat coloring.


* Fixed crash on copy TTH in search frame for file/dir without TTH (thx Datas for report)
* Added option to report alternate search send in status bar.
* Fixed auto search by tth if auto search auto string is off.
* Fixed auto search by tth if alternate string not set.
* Fixed auto search for small queue no more search only once per file.
* Changed auto search interval to 5 minutes, if queue is very small (=< 10 files) to 10 minutes.
* Added %[tth] param to download logging for log TTH of file.
* Fixed auto search hits don't try to connect bug.


* Fixed crash in queueframe.
* Fixed chat scrolling (thx BigMuscle)
* Added /tvtome chat command (thx GhOstFaCE)
* Added whois to transfer menu.
* Added copy TTH ROOT to search.
* Added copy magnet link to queue.
* Small cosmetic changes in queue menu (disabled search by tth and copy magnet link for files without TTH ROOT)
* Added copy TTH, nick, filename, size to filelist frame.
* Added search for alternates by name or TTH to filelist frame.
* Fixed icons problem on dark background (thx [CZ]Q:E:E)
* DC++ CVS Sync.


* Few small things from BCDC++.
* Fixed crash with bad passive search without nick (thx Raoulsana for report).
* New toolbar icons (thx Silbert).
* Source sync with DC++ CVS.
* Fixed problem with default hub port.
* Removed GetTestZBlock supports (old GetTestZBlock DC++ versions have problem with uploading).
* Fixed problem with handles (i have last night nice BSOD caused by CZDC++ ;o))
* Fixed menu problem with dissabled userlist (thx BigMuscle)
* Updated WTL to 7.5.
* Fixed problem with menu caused by new WTL.
* Try to fix scrooling problem (thx BigMuscle)
* Small fix in chat, author nick no more times bold in same message.
* Updated myinfo antiflood to avoid myinfo spamming caused by away mode.
* Added support for magnet link with bitprint to URI handler and chat.
* Added to recent hubs possibility to set own description.
* Fixed sorting in recent hubs frame.
* Added deleting items in recent hubs by DELETE key.
* Added updating of recent hubs frame on item change ;o)
* Fixed crash with enabling userlist on hub after connect without userlist.(thx Datas for report)
* Added queue window updating (thx BigMuscle)
* Added search for alternates by TTH to transfers.


* Fixed source, debug build working.
* Fixed crash on "unknown" command from hub (thx maska for report)
* Fixed chat clearing on right click on nick.
* Try to fix freezing (thx Datas for report and testing)
* Fixed authors nick in chat with space not bold bug.
* Fixed user description bug.
* Added Czech diacritic marks filtering (thx Trpaslik)
* Added Client, Server, User commands as status messages option (thx Trpaslik)
* Added option to disable finished download reporting in status bar.
* Added to finished download report in status bar nick from is finished.
* Updated MyINFO parsing and tested against bugy shit scripts sending uncomplete MyINFO.
* Added report finished upload in status bar.
* Another update to MyINFO parsing (i really hate the stupid Robocop script creator !).
* Added copy URL to private frame.
* Added progressbar to download queue.
* Fixed problem with multiple instances.. for now if command line not empty no question to new instance.
* Added magnet link handler, size and filename not needed hash is enough ;) ... magnet link format : magnet:?xt=urn:tree:tiger:TTTTTTTTTT&xl=999&dn=Filename.Ext (Reverse Connect).
* Added magnet link copy to search frame. (Reverse Connect).
* Added handling for magnet link in main chat ... opens search frame with hash search ;o)
* Added magnet link copy to directorylisting frame.
Homepage of CzDC
Peer To Peer [ P2P ] client for Direct Connect network.